VHDL Mode for Sublime Text 3. I am happy to announce successful publication of my language package for VHDL. The goal was to emulate the vhdl-mode Emacs capabilities and I’ve been able to come close, and work continues. Major features. A mimicry of stutter-typing shortcuts with snippets.
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Tu le dézippes et obtiens un dossier qui s'intitule"LocalizedMenu-Master". Tu renommes ce dossier ainsi :"LocalizedMenu". Ensuite, tu te rends dans Bibliothèque / Application Support / Sublime Text 3 / Packages. et tu y colles dedans le dossier"LocalizedMenu". Redémarre SublimeText 3, va dans préférences / languages et choisi"français".
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To be fair without heavy plugins in my setup Sublime Text expands to around 1GB of RAM after a week of work but that’s fine since Chrome now offloads tabs too. But again, I’d like to see how is Zed going to be extended, because even if Rust (theoretically) could give them better velocity to ship features faster it will never be enough compared to a community of plugin developers.
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FYI, on Linux you have to use the Cntrl Shift “+=” key (next to backspace key) not the “+” key next to the keypad. Then it will increase the font size. I am not able to adjust the font size using the pull down menu or the ctrl+=/- commands. But this only happens with Python source.
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Bonjour Dipeeh, merci pour ta contribution, c'est vrai j'ai oublié une =, c'est corrigé deja. Ensuite j'ai déplacé le dossier image directement sur le disque C pour faire un lien cout qui devient C/images.
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The Pieces Team is super excited to announce a significant addition for our Pieces for Sublime Text. What is Pieces? Pieces is an innovative, free on-device AI coding assistant designed to supercharge your productivity. Imagine having a powerful AI copilot right at your fingertips, seamlessly integrating with your workflow. Whether you’re leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT, Claude ...
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Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. It can be downloaded and evaluated (used) for free. Okay, so how long the evaluation should last ? (In theory, it’s indefinite, so you could technically use it legally forever). A license must be purchased for continued use (So when ...
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Greetings! Regarding GitHub Copilot and its potential integration with Sublime Text 4, as of now, there has been no official announcement or release of a direct integration for Sublime Text. GitHub Copilot has mainly focused on popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, JetBrains products (IntelliJ, PyCharm), and Neovim.
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Bonjour, en essayant de modifier mes paramètre d’affichage, j’ai cliquer sur le bouton: hide menu et je n ai maintenant plus accès à ma barre de menu . Que dois-je faire ? merci de bien vouloir m’aider a résoudre mon problème
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16. August 28, 2023. Resources and Bug Tracking. General Discussion. Sublime Merge We’ve got some basic feedback channels online for Sublime Merge, with more documentation to come in the future. Forum category Issue tracker Documentation Sublime Text If you are running into trouble wit…. 4.
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